Thursday, March 25, 2010


"u are discriminating English language! U r working with government, u are suppose to be able to speak in english beautifully. I didn't hear any english word from u! Why? U can't speak in English?"-

A late evening conversation that took place while I was struggling to come up with a proposal to change a procedure. 

First, he banded our system, saying that our system is nonsense and so on, because he was left out not knowing that application for Matriculation Programme had been done from July to October last year.

Then, he said that our system is wasting tax-payers' money because we are all messed up.

 Next, he was talking non-stop because I (mistakenly) told him that we did not advertise in The Star, while in fact, we did. He was angry with me because I did not speak in english..Well...
...Saya tertakluk kepada Perlembagaan (152), 'Bahasa Melayu adalah Bahasa Rasmi'

Total Stranger...

As a newly wed, I'm considering myself living with a total stranger. Admitting that we barely knew each other before we get married, but that was not a reason not to love a person. We could love anyone if we let ourself to love.

Get-to know-each-other phase is really an interesting phase and it could go on like...forever. We could not have been the same person (as in character) because we have so many things to feel, to think, to express. Mood swings and everything...we are different every time. But, all we could do is understanding, being tolerant and care for each other [until to the point that we could not go on anymore?]. Hahahaha...

I don't know whether I could tolerate this taught: "How long would this happiness lasts?"

A month marriage taught me many things. Makes me value family more...I don't wanna lose any one of them. And I wanna have family of my own...Aamiiiiin...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Keinginan yang menggunung tinggi...

Sila lihat gambar berikut..

Saya harap dapat mencantikkan rumah saya...

Tak sabar...dah lama tak menghias rumah...hehehehe...walaupun selalu menyepah..tapi, kalau rumah dh cantik, mesti taknak sepah2 kan?kan? So, maksudnya, kalau nak rumah tak besepah, kena la cantikkan, ye tak???

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hakikat Negeri Sembilan...

Masih ingat lagi, bisikan-bisikan hati masa umur sekitar 15 - 20 an...bisikan hati serta kata-kata yang terpacul dari mulut celupar ini kepada kawan-kawan:
"Aku kalau boleh, nanti nak duduk kat Seremban"...
Of coz...that time, I didn't even have a boyfriend, don't even know Mohd Syahril...
Kata-kata berikut pernah diajukan kepada rakan karib saya di Melaka. Masa tu, tengah naik keta..
"Aku nanti, nak la pakai keta plat NJF. Tapi nak kena beli kat N.Sembilan, susah ar, kalau keta baru" [maklum: saya tak pernah beli kereta baru, dan tak pernah request Plate no. untuk diri sendiri].
Jawab kawan saya: "Ko kawen la dengan org N.Sembilan Jan...Tak pun, duduk kat Negeri Sembilan"
Ngeeeee.....Perlu ngeri tak? In the end, sayer end up dengan orang N. Sembilan. Dan sekarang, duk berulang-alik Seremban-Putrajaya.
So, lepas ni, tunggu je la, plate NJF keluar...masalahnya, nak beli keta apa ek? Hehehehehe...

Ok...persoalan seterusnya...
Setelah berjaya duk di Seremban...Best ke? far, ok. Paling tak best ialah tempat Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan...huhuhhuuuuuuuu...
Saya sangat teringat kepada kenangan-kenangan lepak di Melaka...kenapa yer?
Bukanlah makanan di Melaka terlalu grand dan melampau sedapnya...tetapi, banyak la pilihan nak pergi...
Bosan 1 tempat, pegi tempat lain....dan kaedah dan jenis makanan yang boleh di pesan, hampir di semua kedai lebih kurang kata...piawai...Of coz...lain kedai, lain specialty...
Macam tu jugak di Bangi..Yang penting, tempat makan tu mesti:
Bersih+Makanan sedap+Harga patut+Senang Parking+Tidak kerek+Servis baikk punya..

Kesimpulannya...Beli dapur sendirik...hahahahahahaaa

What a nuisance...

Gosh!!! am feeling soooo tired...These 2-3 days, have been eating like crazy...
Task as a wife and office task really consume my energy...
Still, really concern about my weight...hohohohoho...
What a nuisance...

Wake up! Wake up!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Su Casa...Mi Casa...

Perabot pertama kami...jeng..jeng..jeng...
Awak [bermaksud saya] tak pernah beli perabot sendirik yg pilih...Pastu kali ni, hubby bagik full authority pilih...sonok la awak...ngeeeee.....
Hehe...Mmg x berapa menarik sangat, tapi, awak sukaaaaa...
Ini wajah sebelum...hehehehe...tempat lepak tgk tv...maka, haruslah beli perabot ye tak...
Lepas ni, takde la segan kalau kakak ke, emak ke sebut nak dtg umah awak...

Harus la beli lagi perkara-perkara lain...tapi bak kata hubby, kayuh pelan-pelan...ado joki kang kito tambah...
Iyolah bangggg....
Banyak lagi awak nak buat, tunggu la..hahahahaha...