Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Such a Pessimist, Not an Opportunist.

these past two days proved to be a lagging phase that I'v to go through once in a year. Or, maybe twice a year or, could be once a month? Hehehehe... I got up early in the morning, feeling restless, walking the miles to the office and spend the day on my chair, in the cold room. A part of it, feeling more restless. My mind don't exactly energized to think about works. All I could manage was a few letters to sort things and a few scratches to make plans. But, that's all about it. What's happening to me? Is this the lifestyle that I have to go through at this phase of age or, was it because of me, being sick and all that, I was not meant to this kind of job? Half of my heart would say yes but part of it, the heroes part says that I've given up.

No more Optimism, selalu merungut...Saying negative things such as..."Entah...Dia yang buat tak betul, kita yang kena."

Why would people become like this? I could put the blame on surroundings. What choice do I have? Blame me? Me? Me?

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